A Commitment to Students
The evolving societal landscape continues to drive rapid changes in the role and demands of education. Advances in technology, social media, and global connectedness have dramatically altered the skills we hold value, where factors such as wellness literacy, social-emotional competency, and post-graduation readiness have become increasingly critical benchmarks of school success.
Experts have long recognized the need to update the traditional curriculum and introduce health metrics, and yet, national indicators of school success still revolve solely around academic performance. As metrics often dictate the distribution and use of resources, this gap poses significant challenges for schools that aim to implement new improvements, and for the schools who have implemented new initiatives to track the success of their efforts.
QESLI Objective
Currently, there is no uniform measure available that evaluates the student experience. Our goal for the Quality of Education and Student Life Index (QESLI) is to achieve a representation from a broad range of indicators that measure the quality of education and the student experience.
QESLI Application
The QESLI can be used to identify areas for improvement, and to measure the success of improvements already made by school districts. Through the QESLI, we aim to provide insights into the relationship between the student experience and other indicators in education. We believe that the introduction of [an inclusive] uniform measure could substantially advance the goals of education, and ultimately, the quality of life for generations to come.